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You may be thinking about whether you should start or resume chiropractic care. To get the best results, do you need to see the chiropractor every other week, monthly, or more often? 

The treatment plan you choose will depend on your health, how you feel and what your goals are.

Continue reading to find out how often you should visit the chiropractor.

What are the benefits of visiting a chiropractor?

Chiropractic care is a non-invasive option for treating the spine, nerves and joints. Chiropractors use hands-on manipulation to restore harmony and proper functioning of your body’s systems. For longer-lasting results, the chiropractor can also offer stretches and exercises.

This type of therapy can offer many benefits for the whole body:

  • Reduce stress
  • Reduce neck, back and joint pain
  • Immune system booster
  • Instigate faster and better healing of injuries
  • Ease inflammation
  • Promote overall well-being
  • Prevent injuries
  • Flexibility and mobility improvements

Common Chiropractic Schedules

Chiropractic care is highly individualized. This treatment is not for everyone. Most people will require between 4 and 12 sessions to correct any misalignments and get the maximum benefit. Although you may see immediate results after a single session of therapy, these effects can be temporary and symptoms could return in weeks or days.

You should schedule a follow up appointment after your first session to assess how your body responded. Chiropractors will then determine the best treatment plan for you.


If you have disc problems, severe injuries, or chronic pain, you will need to see the chiropractor at least once a week. Even minor problems like muscle spasms or strains can warrant weekly visits to the chiropractor.

You may also visit your first treatment several times per week, regardless of your current condition.


You can reduce the frequency to once every two weeks as you feel better. If you regularly sit for extended periods of time, lift heavy loads or bend often, this schedule should be kept in mind. These actions can cause strain to your back and misalignments of the spine.

Monthly Maintenance Stage

Once you have been keeping your adjustments longer, your chiropractor will recommend a maintenance plan. To prevent discomfort from returning, it is important that you adhere to the schedule even if you don’t feel any pain or symptoms.

There is a common misconception that chiropractic care will last forever once you have started. Many people find that they only need to visit their chiropractor once every three months or less, particularly if they have added wellness services.

If you don’t do the exercises and stretches recommended by your chiropractor, you may find that you need to go more often. Your chiropractor will help you create the best regimen.

You should book an additional chiropractic appointment when you see these signs

It is always better to see a chiropractor before any pain starts. You should not wait to see a chiropractor if you’re already experiencing pain. Your spine and joints will likely be out of alignment and you will need to return for more visits. 

You will be able to adjust your frequency based on how you feel after the adjustments. You may need to visit a doctor earlier than the next appointment due to certain signs.

  • Loss of flexibility
  • Muscle and joint pain
  • Recurrent headaches
  • Recent injuries or accidents
  • A pinched nerve could be indicated by tingling in the feet and arms.
  • Shoes that are worn unevenly

You should contact your chiropractor if you don’t see any positive results after consistent treatment. The chiropractor will arrange x-rays and refer you to the appropriate specialist. 

Dr. Eric Nepute may also mention vitamin infusion therapy, spinal decompression, or other recommendations if he feels it’s necessary.  

But as for standard chiropractic care, you might feel some discomfort following certain adjustments, but keep in mind you shouldn’t be in greater pain than you were before. If you feel this way, consult your chiropractor immediately.

Chiropractic care is similar to any lifestyle change. If you are consistent you will notice positive, long-lasting changes.

Schedule an appointment with Nepute Wellness today!