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102: The Faces Behind The Curtain | Dr. Eric Nepute
Wellness Matters brings the topic of health to a whole new level. Dr. Eric Nepute founder of Nepute Wellness Center of St. Louis, Missouri truly puts health back into healthcare. Dr. Eric and nationally-known guests expose the truth about health and reveal the options traditional medicine doesn’t give you.
101: Insurance Companies Pull Out of Obamacare | Dr. Eric Nepute
Wellness Matters brings the topic of health to a whole new level. Dr. Eric Nepute founder of Nepute Wellness Center of St. Louis, Missouri truly puts health back into healthcare. Dr. Eric and nationally-known guests expose the truth about health and reveal the options traditional medicine doesn’t give you
100: Guest Dr Sandy Roga “The Aruba Doc” | Dr. Eric Nepute
Wellness Matters brings the topic of health to a whole new level. Dr. Eric Nepute founder of Nepute Wellness Center of St. Louis, Missouri truly puts health back into healthcare. Dr. Eric and nationally-known guests expose the truth about health and reveal the options traditional medicine doesn’t give you.
099: Nepute Wellness Opens Second Location | Dr. Eric Nepute
Wellness Matters brings the topic of health to a whole new level. Dr. Eric Nepute founder of Nepute Wellness Center of St. Louis, Missouri truly puts health back into healthcare. Dr. Eric and nationally-known guests expose the truth about health and reveal the options traditional medicine doesn’t give you.
098: LifeXist | Dr. Eric Nepute
Wellness Matters brings the topic of health to a whole new level. Dr. Eric Nepute founder of Nepute Wellness Center of St. Louis, Missouri truly puts health back into healthcare. Dr. Eric and nationally-known guests expose the truth about health and reveal the options traditional medicine doesn’t give you.
097: Dr. Sherri Tenpenny on Vaccines | Dr. Eric Nepute
Dr. Tenpenny is an outspoken advocate for free choice in healthcare, including the right to refuse vaccination. As an internationally known speaker, she is highly sought after for her ability to present scientifically sound information regarding vaccination hazard and warnings that are rarely portrayed by conventional medicine. Most importantly, she offers hope through her unique treatments offered at Tenpenny Integrative Medical Center for those who have been vaccine-injured. Dr. Tenpenny is also an expert on womenâs breast HEALTH and the use of iodine for disease.
Background and Training
Dr. Tenpenny is a graduate of the University of Toledo in Toledo, Ohio. She received her medical training at Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine in Kirksville, Missouri. Dr. Tenpenny was board certified in Emergency Medicine from 1995 through 2005. She chose not to renew her board certification because she has no intention of ever working again in an Emergency Department. She has been board certified in Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine since 1995 (AOBNMM) through the present time. In 2011, she gained certification through the American Board of Integrative and Holistic Medicine (ABIHM).
Prior to her career in Integrative Medicine, Dr. Tenpenny served as director of the Emergency Department at Blanchard Valley Regional Hospital Center in Findlay, Ohio, from 1987 to 1995. In 1994, she and a partner opened OsteoMed, a medical practice in Findlay limited to the specialty of osteopathic manipulative medicine. In 1996, Dr. Tenpenny moved to Strongsville, Ohio, and founded OsteoMed II, expanding her practice and her vision to combine the best of conventional and alternative medicine.
In 2011, OsteoMed move to a new office in Middleburg Heights, Ohio where the clinic currently resides. At that time, the corporate name was changed to Tenpenny Integrative Medical Center (TIMC) where patients from all 50 states and 14 countries have come to the clinic to get well.
Dr. Tenpenny as an Educator
Committed to the wellness and health of her patients, Dr. Tenpenny, has created an array of educational CDs and DVDs to educate her patients and others interested in personal health and wellness. Educational products addressing these concerns, as well as the latest information on vaccination, are available by going to our store.
Dr. Tenpenny has lectured at Cleveland State University, Case Western Reserve Medical School and has been a speaker at conferences across the country and around the world on topics related to integrative medicine. Nationally, she is a regular guest on radio and television talk shows, including the nationally syndicated, Coast-to-Coast AM with George Noory, InforWars with Alex Jones, The Robert Scott Bell Show, TruNews with Rick Wiles, The Robert Scott Bell Show and many others. She has participated in at least 7 documentaries. She has written articles for national magazines, newspapers and Internet sites, including NewsWithViews.com, Huffington Post and Mothering.com. Her articles have been translated into at least 12 languages.
As an author, Dr. Tenpenny has written two best-selling books, âFOWL! Bird Flu: Itâs Not What You Thinkâ and âSaying No To Vaccines: A Resource Guide for All Ages.â She is a contributing author the textbook, âFood and Nutrition in Disease Managementâ and the book, âVaccine Epidemic: How Corporate Greed, Biased Science, and Coercive Government Threaten Our Human Rights, Our Health, and Our Children.â
In addition to being a guest on hundreds of radio and national television programs (including the Dr.Oz Show), Dr. Tenpenny has been a Medical Consultant for Parker Hannifin (2011-2014), a Fortune 200 company with 60,000 employees in 48 countries. She helped develop health-conscious and holistic programs for the companyâs locations in the US and around the world. She has worked as the Medical Correspondent for WHDT TV with a daily health segment called, âCommon Solutions for Common Health Problems.â
- We oppose the one-size-fits-all public health policy imposed by state rules and enforced by physicians, hospitals and public health employees.
- We oppose public health policies that demand the rights of the individuals must be secondary to rights of individuals to refuse the injection of products that can have long term, even deadly, consequences to their health.
- We support the freedom to refuse any medical procedure, including vaccination.
- We support fully informed consent, which means admitting to the harm that vaccines can cause and allowing the person time for consideration.
- We believe that vaccines can cause more harm to the health of the individual â and subsequently to the community as a whole â than the good vaccines are claimed to do by vaccine proponents.
096: Ryan Jaycox Interviews Dr. Kyle Longo | Dr. Eric Nepute
Wellness Matters brings the topic of health to a whole new level. Dr. Eric Nepute founder of Nepute Wellness Center of St. Louis, Missouri truly puts health back into healthcare. Dr. Eric and nationally-known guests expose the truth about health and reveal the options traditional medicine doesnât give you.
095: Guest Dr. Jack Wolfson Paleo Cardiologist | Dr. Eric Nepute
Wellness Matters brings the topic of health to a whole new
level. Dr. Eric Nepute founder of Nepute Wellness Center of St.
Louis, Missouri truly puts health back into healthcare. Dr. Eric
and nationally-known guests expose the truth about health and
reveal the options traditional medicine doesnât give you.
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New Patients Get a Comprehensive Wellness Evaluation
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