(314) 544-5600

Always Challenge Your Healthcare

Once upon a time it was unheard of for a doctor’s opinion to be challenged, but today’s patients are getting second and third opinions, seeking out alternative health care solutions and pursuing natural options to find out the best course of action for their health....

All You Need To Know About Colic

You’re stressed, exhausted, and frustrated all because your baby won’t stop crying. The worst part is you feel absolutely helpless. Don’t freak out just yet because hope is on the horizon. Here’s everything you need to know about colic and how...

The Truth Behind Your Headaches

Millions of people suffer from headaches and migraines DAILY and they’re consistently taking pills trying to ease the pounding pain, but nothing is working. Why is that? Dig in with Dr. Nepute on what the cause is behind those horrible headaches or migraines. It...

The Opioid Epidemic

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_column_text]The popular pain killer, Opioid, can no longer be prescribed unless a person has stage 4 cancer or worse. The millions of people unable to receive these pain killers any longer have no where to turn for pain...

What Is Health?

How many of you make resolutions to lose 20lbs every year? Maybe you just have these goals to be healthier as your life continues on, but do you think you really know what health is? So what is health? Let’s find out.