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Your Body = Your Medicine

Everything YOU NEED to HEAL, RECOVER and GET HEALTHY is within YOUR OWN BODY! Dr. Eric breaks down "Alternative Medicine" and why we need to stop cramming pills down our throats!

Salt Your Way To Health

[vc_row][vc_column width="1/2"][vc_column_text][/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width="1/2"][vc_column_text]You've probably always heard that too much salt is bad for you. Well, that's true if in fact you're talking about sodium chloride, the white table salt...

Beyond Your Spine

Chiropractors treat the spine. That's the most common answer we get when we ask if people know what we do. That's partially correct, but Dr. Eric sets the record straight on what really goes on beyond the spine.

The Effect Of Sugar On The Body

  That chocolate cupcake has been calling your name all afternoon. Yes, it’s time for your sugar break before you hit “the work wall”, and you know what? It’s fine. There is, believe it or not, an allotted amount of sugar your body can consume each day, but the...

Fight Back Against Cancer

We don't need to be afraid of cancer. It's a fight, and it's a hard fight but don't let fear take the fight out of you. Your immune system was designed to fight cancer but if there is dysfunction and imbalance it can't do its job. Dr. Eric gets a little more in depth...

The Cholesterol Myth

Dr. Eric Nepute puts to bed one of the biggest myths funneled to us today via commercials, doctors, pharmaceutical companies and other health professionals. That myth is cholesterol. How high is too high? Your body needs specific types of cholesterol to stay healthy,...

Our Kids Are In A Health Crisis

Your kids and their health matter to us. What if we told you there's an answer to all of the mental disorders and common sickness that's going on in so many kids today? Would you be interested? The good news is, there IS an answer! Dr. Nepute sums it all up on how he...

New Patients Get a Comprehensive Wellness Evaluation

Finally discover the root cause of the issue and the pathway to renewed health - Uncover and treat sources of your pain or health issue.

New Patients Get a Comprehensive Wellness Evaluation

Finally discover the root cause of the issue and the pathway to renewed health - Uncover and treat sources of your pain or health issue.

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