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BREAKING NEWS: Chiropractic Can Save The National Debt
We Are Nepute Wellness
Poor Health: Breaking The Generational Curse
Your health is your BIGGEST asset and Dr. Eric tells you why! [Video has been previously recorded & dinner invite is no longer applicable]
Study Suggests Texting Can Lead To Heart Disease
Are you a chronic texter? What about your kids? Maybe you enjoy reading books on your tablet for hours on end. Pay close attention to what comes next because it’s going to save you a lot of future headaches, quite literally. We’re not saying throw out your cell...
Signs, Symptoms & Solutions for Kids With ADD/ADHD
Let's figure our what's REALLY going on inside your kiddos, find the CAUSE and get the CURE. Dr. Nepute wants to help you help your family and put your kids on the right track. Let's go!
Next Level Health Takes Next Level Action
If you're looking to push yourself personally, financially, emotionally, spiritually, and physically to the NEXT LEVEL...Dr. Nepute talks about the roadblocks and how to get past them. Let's get after it!
Life Expectancy Can Be Cut Short 30% Due To Poor Posture
Posture is a HUGE key to maintaining good spinal health and nervous system function. Dr. Eric explains it so well!
How Do We Check What’s Beneath The Surface Of Your Health?
We don't just do a spot check when you come see us! Check out how we really get to the bottom of your health questions!
New Patients Get a Comprehensive Wellness Evaluation
Finally discover the root cause of the issue and the pathway to renewed health - Uncover and treat sources of your pain or health issue.
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New Patients Get a Comprehensive Wellness Evaluation
Finally discover the root cause of the issue and the pathway to renewed health - Uncover and treat sources of your pain or health issue.
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